Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Outer Banks North Carolina - Ocracoke Island

Sunday morning started out very early. We had a reservation on the Cedar Point to Ocracoke ferry at 10:00 in the morning. We had to break down camp and drive the hour and a half to the ferry terminal. We had to be there 30 minutes early so we were on the road by 7:30. It was amazing how hard the wind was blowing at the ferry terminal.  It was so bad, that I could barely keep the truck door open, because it kept trying to blow shut!!  We've taken an RV on a ferry before (to Newfoundland and back and to Prince Edward Island), but there was something about this time that was a bit unnerving to me.  Maybe because now it was our house and all our worldly possessions...

I'm not sure why, but I was very apprehensive during the whole two and a half hour, 20 plus mile crossing.  We were the only RV on the ferry and it looked HUGE next to all the little cars. Plus we weigh over 10 tons, so you wonder how the ferry didn't list to one side....Watching it swag side to side almost made me dizzy.  Thank goodness I don't get seasick. Thankfully, they knew what they were doing and we made it across safely.

Ocracoke Island is so cute!! We were able to leave the truck and RV at the ferry parking lot and it was only a  short walk into town.  It's common practice in town to drive golf carts on the roads to get around. So it was much easier to rent a golf cart for a few hours than try to navigate with our 53 foot long rig. Our first stop was to complete a geocache on the island. There is so much history here.

The geocache was of a British Cemetery where 2 naval soldiers from World War II were interned. We learned that Germany had U boat submarines along the eastern coast trying to prevent supplies from  getting to England and Europe during the early part of the war. Prior to the United State's direct involvement in the war, the British Navy patrolled the east coast, however, one British ship did get hit by a torpedo and these soldiers washed ashore on Ocracoke Island.

Of course no visit to the island is complete without a visit to the lighthouse. This isn't one of the fanciest lighthouses, but it was still interesting to see it and the lighthouse keepers house next to it. The house is now privately owned.  How cool to have a lighthouse in your backyard!

The whole island is less than 10 square miles so it didn't take long to see it all. We picked up the truck and RV and headed to the north end of the island.

At one time the island had a herd of wild horses. There are now 24 of them that are corralled along the side of the road.

Isn't this the most tranquil setting you've ever seen!

The day was not complete without our second ferry ride of the day. This time we took the ferry from Ocracoke Island to Hatteras Island. This ride was much smoother and faster that the first one. 

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